Catholic D.C.

Ready to understand the deep connections between our Catholic faith and the history of our great nation? Seeking to remind your children of the strong foundation of our country ? Looking for a way to enrich your family while providing a wonderful, affordable hands-on learning experience for your children?

We have crafted an amazing itinerary for you and handled all the details for your stay in Washington DC! You will have the ultimate DC experience as a family. Are you ready!?

Catholic D.c.

Four Day | Three Night Tour

from $369 per person! *

* four people in quad occupancy




Five Day | Four Night Tour

from $429 per person! *

* four people in quad occupancy




Upcoming Tour Dates

Four Days | Three Nights

Five Days | Four Nights

May 28, 2021 - Closed


Catholic DC!

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Affectionately referred to as America’s Catholic Church, this Basilica has been a century in the making. Although its foundation stone was laid in 1920, this great shrine seems to have been conceived of as early as 1846, the year the Bishops of America declared the Blessed Virgin Mary the patroness of the United States under her title of the Immaculate Conception. It is truly the embodiment of the people who are the fabric of the Catholic faith and mosaic of our great nation. To best express its essence is simply to share what St. John Paul II, the first pope to visit the National Shrines, said after his visit: “This Shrine speaks to us with the voice of all America, with the voice of all the sons and daughters of America, who have come here from the various countries…. When they came, they brought with them in their hearts the same love for the Mother of God that was characteristic of their ancestors and of themselves in their native lands. These people, speaking different languages, coming from different backgrounds of history and traditions in their own countries, came together around the heart of a Mother they all had in common.” (October 7, 1979). Explore the expansive Basilica with your family as you reflect on the history it embodies.

St. John Paul II National Shrine

From its conception, the Shrine was intended as a response to St. John Paul II’s call for a “new evangelization”. It is meant to be a place of genuine encounter with God that leads to a renewal of individuals, families, societies and cultures- a place where God, who “entered history” (John Paul II, Homily, Dec. 24, 1999), heals and renews every dimension of life. Cherish the opportunity to venerate a first- class relic of St. John Paul II’s blood with your family and explore the permanent exhibit highlighting the significant events in the life of Pope John Paull II and his momentous influence.

Museum of the Bible

One of the most recent additions to the city, it made its grand opening to the public in November 2017 and aims to be among the most technologically advance and engaging museums in the world. Showcasing rare and fascinating artifacts spanning 4,000 years of history, the museum will offer your family an immersive and personalized experience with the Bible and its ongoing impact on the world around us.

In the Five Day tour: Experience The National Shrine of
Elizabeth Anne Seton in Emmitsburg!

Here, your family will discover the life and legacy of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, a source of inspiration and encouragement for all. A mother, a teacher and the first US born canonized saint! Spend the afternoon reflecting on and honoring her life. Learn more about how she established the first Catholic girls’ school in the nation in Emmitsburg, Maryland and founded the first American congregation of religious sisters, the Sisters of Charity.

All bookings are subject to our standard terms and conditions, which can be found by clicking here.